Sunday 8 November 2009

Rhodri’s boots

I am probably going to regret the next post but I cannot really ignore the contest within the party at the minute – what contest? – you know the political X factor, who's going to become the new First Minister? (If I knew more about the X factor I could probably suggest various contestants for the candidates for this race – but I don't so I can't. Politicians always make pratts of themselves when they try to appropriate popular culture. I remember Harold Wilson claiming the Beatles (he represented Huyton and that's near but not in Liverpool – you can't become a Scouser that easy – I'll bet he never knew the words of a single song, like TB claimed he liked heavy metal). So I won't try. As I've got older this means that I become more and more like a High Court judge querulously asking who this or that is. Mind you that isn't new – my sporting credibility never really recovered from having to have explained who Gareth Edwards was! I was being shown photos by his uncle George Edwards (clue 1), of him and 'Gareth' at the Arms Park (clue 2), at Hamden (clue 3) and in Paris (clue 4). I said nothing at the time, but after, I asked my colleague – "Who's Gareth?" – and was met by a dumbfounded silence. In my defence I plead that although I did play rugby it was in England and I was never a spectator, but!!!!! Anyway.....

I listened to Edwina Hart on Kevin's phone-in this morning. She cannot be claimed to be the greatest media performer in the Party – I don't think she claims this herself – but the lack of surface polish allows her transparent honesty to shine through. Even an old cynic like me can admire a politician who actually seeks to engage with the question, she also has that 'common touch' that makes Rhodri so good face-to-face. As a blunt Northerner I appreciate directness – but I can imagine that it's not always popular with civil servants – particularly ones not used to being held to account. I'll bet, to use Thomas Beecham's expression about Sadlers Wells ballet, that she makes them jump about a bit. And they probably need the exercise. suggesting that Edwina has no surface polish I wish to make it clear that I do not refer to her appearance as she is always nothing less than immaculate. Well, I guess she wouldn't have appreciated a photo at a recent early morning picket line – but there were extenuating circumstances, it being some unconscionable time of the morning!

Edwina & Carwyn Jones are both extremely bright. The difference between them being 'down to earth' Edwina and the professional politician of Carwyn. I read somewhere that the media prefer Carwyn Jones' smooth presentation – and there is no doubt he is very good at it – that he is a sort of Welsh Tony Blair! (Do we need another one of them?) I am sure that Carwyn must be hating that comparison, because Tony Blair he aint – and that's a sincere compliment! He clearly has other qualities that he brings to 'job', I've known him for some years, and we spent some time together in various selection meetings in the run up to the first Assembly elections – but he was never going to do as well locally and didn't expect to.

The Labour Group and the Swansea constituency both unanimously backed Edwina in the contest. Perhaps neither of these are surprising, you should certainly be blowing your own local trumpet – but this being the Labour Party one can take nothing for granted! The Labour Group had a very wide debate on the candidates, in arriving at their decision members were influenced not just by their local experience of her (as they would be), but her personal qualities and experience and delivery in Wales, especially in Local Government.

We have our local hustings meeting tomorrow when we will be meeting all three candidates and hear more about their policies. I, of course, as the Group Leader will have to work with whoever is elected so (standard caveat) I am keeping my own council on where my vote will be going and nothing should be deduced from the foregoing.

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