Friday 4 December 2009

Back on-line

I predicted that I wouldn't keep the blogging up, that it would be an occasional process – and I was right. It's quite surprising how much time it actually takes – and the commitment. And once you've fallen out of it – it's a bit of an effort to get back into it. Other things fill up the space. However, I am now having another go. Interestingly my last entries were about the previous Council meeting = and I got a bit fed up/annoyed with myself, that having written the bloody stuff, my incompetence led me to delete it. Perhaps it was the powerful hand of the great critic!


1 comment:

  1. David,
    I hear your struggle. But let me suggest that it's not really a matter of time. You think. All the time. You have too many interesting thoughts to ever consider expressing them all.

    What the reader wants is a glimpse into the thinking and feelings of you. You could give that while sitting on the loo, or (though I don't recommend this) while waiting for the traffic lights to change.

    To sustain a great blog that people will follow you don't have to wait until you feel inspired or lost for anything better to do. You and do it NOW. In a few seconds you can share your reaction to the state of the street ourside your house, the price of milk, the conversation you overheard while waiting to buy the morning paper.

    Treat it all as writing practice. Better say something than say silent. That's my view today, from a cold, damp, foggy Cork (twinned with Swansea)
