Sunday 18 October 2009

Anti-fascist rally

I am still evaluating whether to continue this blog – but having been to the anti-fascist rally yesterday I felt I had to write something about it – not least following what I considered to be incorrect news reports.

It was a very good natured rally and demonstrated, if anyone was in any doubt, that the sort of politics propagated by the WDL (and their BNP friends) are not wanted in Swansea. The WDL claims not to be fascist or associated with the BNP. This rang a little hollow (and was not helped) when they started with the Nazi straight arm salute or when they were apparently given B&B by a BNP activist in Killay. There was certainly less than a hundred of them.

What I found particularly encouraging was the 'spread' of participants – it wasn't just the usual suspects, there were people of all ages and all classes.

There were lots of speeches (of course), drummers and singers. There were over 200 at about 1pm but this grew during the course of the afternoon to what must have been close on a 1,000. I understand that this was young people texting their mates to join them. This 'viral' messaging was very effective.

The overall intention was to occupy and hang onto Castle Square – for Swansea people to occupy their city from 'invaders' – to deny them the goal they wanted. In this they were very successful and victory went to the anti-fascists. In fact there were some young women – who were so exciting by the victory that they wanted to hug everyone – even old politicos like me. I had blogged earlier that this week should be renamed "Hug a Councillor" and so it proved. Hurrah!

What was curious was that both the BBC and Swansea Sound under-reported the attendance figures. The BBC web newsreport was rather one-sided and anti- protester. It said there were only 200 anti-fascists and 2-300 WDL! (The WDL fielded their greatest numbers in the middle of the afternoon when they tried to occupy Castle Square. They were held on the pavement opposite in Castle St. They only occupied the whole footway for the width of one window of the Sheep Shop and one window of Pizza Express – about 24ft. So certainly nothing like the numbers the press have claimed).

So double counting of the latter on the grand scale. Perhaps the reporters had been partaking of the liquid refreshments so freely indulged in by the WDL in Yates' Wine Bar! (why did Yates allow them in or serve them – is this a breach of licensing conditions?) Swansea Sound also tried to allege that it was a bit of a damp squib and was rather oversold. Well, there certainly wasn't any trouble, which perhaps some parts of the press found disappointing – apart from towards the end when the WDL half-heartedly tried to breach the Police lines. It was all very jolly – very noisy – but well behaved.

The organisers worked with the Police to avoid any confrontation – which there wasn't any real desire for from anyone anyway.

I must commend the Police's handling of the affair. It was very low key, light touch and there was a good relationship between the Police and the protesters. They allowed the two groups to address each other across Castle St. (not that anyone listed!) and ran a controlled stand-off. It was very well done including the 5pm dispersal. So full marks to Ch Supt. Mark Mathias and his officers. Full marks also to the protesters for their good behaviour.

I was asked to assist in passing on the arrangements agreed between the organisers and the Police for the end of the demo to some of the protesters. This got me into hot water with some. Anarchists I was told later, who told me that these were their streets and no-one was telling them to move, they asked "...wasn't I that £$%!!&" Labour Councillor..." and that I should be ashamed of myself for doing the Police's work for them, concluding that I was a "...stooge of the Capitalist supporting Pigs". So, so old fashioned! I think I'll have a badge made with this on.

I must also pay tribute to those who attended the silent protest outside the Friends Meeting House and the others who remained outside the YMCA.

Congratulations to all of them. I know that some were inconvenienced by the road closures and the diverting of the buses and that cannot have been popular. But I hope those inconvenienced will accept that it was necessary. Swansea should be proud of itself. I trust that the WDL and their cronies have now got the message – that Swansea is not the place for them and their like.

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